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The Strategy.


The Career Networking Pro System provides you with a proven, structured process that gets you in front of key hiring authorities. There's no guesswork, but simply a well-defined process and a Career Networking Coach who will make you accountable to following the System. 

Here's how it works:


  1. Preparation: In assessing what your next position should be, it's not just a matter of what you 'want' to do, but also what someone will 'pay' you to do. A reasonable amount of reflection at this point will make your search specific, targeted and effective.

  2. Marketing Plan: Once you're ready, we help you craft your transition and marketing statements to make you an attractive hire within the sector and discipline you are targeting.

  3. Research: Career Networking Pro will conduct custom research for you, collecting the names and phone numbers of the hiring authorities and industry contacts in the specific industry, discipline and geographic area that you are targeting.

  4. Networking Plan: Your Career Networking Coach will help you prepare a straightforward presentation that sells your benefits to the companies and hiring authorities you are targeting. Your Plan will list specific hiring authorities at companies you want to meet with and will be used in your meetings with industry contacts.

  5. Phone Calls: You will receive personal instruction on calling industry contacts and decision makers to secure 15 minute networking meetings. You will not be asking for a job; you simply want their guidance and direction, as well as any referrals they can provide for other contacts and hiring authorities.

  6. Meetings: Your Coach will teach you how to conduct well-organized meetings with industry contacts where you get their thoughts on the position you are targeting and referrals to other industry contacts. Your focused Networking Plan and defined Agenda for the meeting will leave a quality impression and get results.

  7. Follow Up: Diligent follow up gets additional referrals and prompts your previous contacts to envision you as the right candidate for a particular position they or a fellow contact might have.

  8. Interviews: A critical mass is achieved when your networking meetings turn into mini-interviews and the hiring authorities you meet with recognize roles for you with their company.


Sound like a lot of work? It is. But the alternative is surfing the web, blindly submitting your resume and hoping for the best. The hard work can make getting the right job a sure thing.

The Career Networking Pro System is the only way to be in control of your search and get the position you really want. Our process will enable you to initiate conversations with the right people in your industry --hiring authorities and industry contacts who can direct you to job opportunities in the marketplace, refer you to other industry contacts, and put you in a position to meet the right person at a company that needs what you have to offer. 

Get started now, because nobody will do it for you.

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